Businesses ‘Doing Their Bit’

 Plastic Free Chesterfield want to recognise the businesses who are ‘doing their bit’ and making changes on single-use plastics, even if they have not quite reached the stage of becoming a Plastic Free Champion. These include businesses such as

Aunty Dots Sweet Shop (in the Market Hall)

Happy for you to bring your own jar/container to store sweets.

Fruit and Nut Centre (in the Market Hall)

Sell loose dried fruit and nuts and encourage people to bring and use their own container.

Massarellas Cafe

Only use wooden stirrers and paper straws.

Simon’s Fruits (greengrocers opposite Jacksons Bakery)

Sell loose fruit and vegetables and encourage people to bring their own bags, use paper bags, and who accept people bringing their own container for fruits like strawberries (normally sold in a plastic punnet).

W. Hodkin Butchers (in the Market Hall)

Accept people bringing in their own container.

Wool Cabin (in the Market Hall)

Always ask if you need a bag, who are always asking their suppliers to reduce single-use plastics, and who have managed to get their supplier ‘Thomas Ramsden’ who sell the ‘Wendy & Robin’ brand, to provide their wool supplies in cardboard boxes.

If you are a Chesterfield business and ‘doing your bit’, but not quite reached enough to become a Plastic Free Champion, please get in touch with us via the Contact Page and we’ll mention you here.

If you want to know how to reduce single use plastics in your business, contact us via the Contact Page to arrange a discussion and get a free workbook showing how you can make a start.